Nangkwak story in Thai mythology related to the Thai-version Ramayana
epic. Nangkwak was the only daughter of a great saint named Pooh Chao Khao Khieu who had friendship with a demon named Thao Unaraj or Thao Gok Kanak.
Rama met his enemy Unaraj accidentally while he was seeking his lover
Sida. Rama launched his magic arrow fixed the demon at place. Unaraj's
daughter named Prachand took care of her paralyzed father since then. People strongly hated Unaraj and vowed to revenge him for his past cruelties while his daughter Prachand was also shunned .
Pooh Chao Khao Khieu had heard that unpleasant news and sent his only
daughter named "Nangkwak" to be Prachand's friend-in-escort. Marvelous enough, people turned back to pay benevolence to Prachand and brought a lot of eatables and valuables for the two ever since.
NA-SHA-LI-TI is a 4-syllable mantra of Nangkwak praying for the good luck and fortune to come. It's very effective if you pray with a concentrated mind.
Please correct me if i am wrong, this was told to me for the main chant of nangkwak :

Om pu chao kaow keao mi look sau khun diao
Ci wa nang kwak-chai-hin chai rak
Yin hen yin tak pa ku pai kar
Teng meng man kar hua wen ketai sen tar nan
Sam ren krab pan ren pian set-ti
sam pee ren bian sam pau thong
Phra suk teh ka khun diao
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