Legendary Khun Paen lived between 1491-1529. He was born in Suphanburi Province (some 70 km. northwest of Bangkok) but grew up in the close bordered Kanchanaburi Province, where the world wide well-known "Bridge over River Kwai" situated. He was a disciple of Arjarn Kong, a magic-expert guru monk, for magical studies. Based on old legends, Khun Paen was handsome and very attractive to ladies.
It's so he had many wives, and still many ladies fell in love with him. Khun Paen had magical knowledge. He used magic to make himself invulnerable and unseen to enemies, to change the marching track of the enemies to become labyrinthine field, and to change leaves of the tree to become wasps to sting enemies etc.
By his skillful fighting, he was appointed by the king to be Khun or a high ranking military officer. His biography was far more extended and rather a fictitious story by poetic authors of the early Rattanakosin period or some 180 years ago. His baby-ghost son named Guman Thong, he used magic to create him from a dead baby in the dead Bua Klee's womb. Bua Klee was a Khun Paen's minor wife.

Kun Pan
(Legend of the Warlord)
“Courage creates a Hero,
Destroyed by Passion,
Through magic he becomes a legend”
During the reign of King Prapunwasa, the city of Ayudhaya became prosperous from trading with foreign nations. Although a few rebel groups existed, they were not difficult to control.
The town Supunburi was under the command of Ayudhaya and home to the magical warrior Kungai; a man of great courage and versality. He was the Head of the Swordsmen. His wife, Tongpasri, has a son named Plykaew whose friend Chang was son of Srivichai and Thapton, who were wealthy and popular in town.
However, when the King visited Supunburi, Plykaew’s life changed forever.
It all started with a messenger from the King toward his landed servant, Srivichai orders Kungai and his men to round up herd of wild buffalos within 5 days and take it to the Royal Camp at Supunburi River.
However, Kungai failed to carry out the King’s order. There were too few buffalos to the King’s liking and the buffalos even destroy/stampede the Royal Camp. Hence, the King ordered Kungai to be punished. An executioner was told to take Kungai away and cut off his head, whip and slash all Kungai’s slave, take back Kungai’s family property and to bring over his wife and son.
This unfortunate incident of Kungai execution was witnessed by his son, Plykaew, secretly and accidentally. Stunned and in tears from witnessing his father death, Plykaew went to find his mother (Tongpasri). Both of them managed to escape the soldiers.
Tongpasri then brought Plykaew to studied with Monk Boon in Kanchanaburi, then with Monk Mee at Pailalai Temple.
Upon their return to Supunburi, Plykaew met back his childhood love; a girl named Pimpilalai, and his childhood arch enemy and rival Chang who also is in love with Pim (short for Pimpilalai) and wish to marry her.
However, Pim is drawn more towards Kaew (short for Plykaew) and so is he. Kaew then decided to quit becoming a monk and marries her after sleeping with her.
Angry and heartbroken, Chang found an opportunity during his meeting with the King and suggested Kaew as the best candidate to fight against the rebels in the North; the town of Chiang Mai.
And so Kaew was chosen to go off and fight, leaving his love, Pim, behind.
Time goes by, and Chang, desperate to earn love from Pim after knowing Plykaew has won the battle in Chiang Mai; went with his two loyal servants Sri and Grub, to rob a grave with prayers that no ghost will haunt them.
Chang then presents the ashes from the bone of the dead that he dug the previous night to Pim and claim that Kaew has died during the battle.
Pim who has fell ill during the time Kaew was away already changes her name to Wantong as instructed by the abbot/monk. The monk then blessed Wantong as a new soul and life. Pimpilalai is bad luck and better be forgotten.
Eventually, though hard to accept, Pim (now known as Wantong) believes Chang’s story that Kaew is dead and mourns him.
On the other side, Kaew was given a new title, fabulous horses, royal properties and 500 soldiers at Kanchanaburi’s borders due to his winning the battle. He was now to be known and called as Kun Pan.
But his return to Supunburi was not as he anticipated. Kun Pan returns from the battle with a second wife named Laotong, daughter of Sankumman; was met with the unexpected news that his first wife, Pim (Wantong) is now maaried with his rival, Chang.
Meanwhile, Wantong is beside herself as well once she found out that Kun Pan is still alive and yet came back with another wife. Hurt and frustrated, she tried to accept Chang and treat him the way a wife should.
This angered Kun Pan even more. Selfish as it is, Kun Pan cant accept that Wantong is with Chang now and driven by anger and desire to focus on Laotong, he left his work while he was on duty to have sex with his wife Laotong at his mother house in Kanchanaburi.
At the same time, insecure and sneaky as Chang is, he went to report the incident to the King; adding that Kun Pan was very arrogant and always claiming that he is a royal official now and so on.
Disgusted by this, the King took Chang’s words and ordered to strip Kun Pan from his rank, give him 100 lashes, seized all his property and bring Laotong to Him – making sure they will never see each other again.
So the story goes that Kun Pan was once a proud warrior but now he is nothing. Back to become Plykaew, he left his town and went on a lone adventure. It was during this time as he was living by himself in the forest that he remembers what Monk Boon has first taught him in Kanchanaburi.
At that time, Kaew was given three magic books. The first book speaks of horse matters. What makes a good horse and how to train it, while the second book was about metals, making iron and designing powerful swords. The horse and the sword will give you spiritual power so a person (in this story: Kaew), need never to succumb to anyone.
Thus, Kaew start to read and learn from these books to obtain the spiritual power spoken. Driven with ambition to gain back his reputation and revenge for his love, Kaew convinced himself, ”As Hell is my witness, I now swear to seek revenge on Chang and adulterous Wantong! Show me the way! All my horses gallop except Sri Mork. That special horse of misty hue.”
Hearing this call, accompanied with blood from the cut Kaew made on his wrist, the dead thus answers in unison and sent forth a handsome but evil white horse which is called Sri Mork. It is of male breed, drinks blood instead of water, eat meat instead of grass, roars like a thunder and rages like the storm.
And so Kaew travels with Sri Mork, to find a woman whereby he will see through her womb and her magic baby within it will be his powerful weapon.
Days passed and Kaew grew weaker and was found beside a stream leading to a cave where he rested. That cave belong to bandits group led by Moinhun and he has a daughter named Buaklee. Into this girl Kaew will take her and from her womb will grow the magical baby that will be his weapon.
Nevertheless, there were three magic books that was entrusted to Kaew by Monk Boon. The third book was forbidden to learn because its about black magic. But yet, Kaew still learn it and having slit open Buaklee to take the still-born baby (and the spirit within it); he went off and start to rob each grave with metal contents from the dead that was pierced by it. Having gathered all that he need, he started to piece those metal together secretly and turned it into a mighty sword.
Now armored with sword and feeling more confident in his power, Kaew return to Supunburi in the middle of the night and took Wantong away from her current husband, Chang. So again, angry and frustrated, Chang did not know what to do and rumours has strirred that Kun Pan (a.k.a Kaew) tried to organize a rebellion against the King and due to this, his mother has been arrested.
Hearing this, Kaew felt he has no choice but to turn himself in. And so as he surrender to the law, Kaew told the King his side of story ever-since he left Supunburi on his first task to war and took back Chiangtong. After considering this and the fact that Chang is loyal to the King, He decided not to impose any punishment for both of them but ordered them to stop fighting.
However, Kaew/Kun Pan request to have Laotong (his second wife) back and this angered the King; did Kun Pan think that the King treat her badly? How greedy. Thus, the King changed his mind and ordered Kun Pan to be chained and thrown into the underground dungeon.
Years passed by and Kaew and Pim son grew up (result of their love-making during the short time Kaew took her away from Chang), Tongpasri brought him to the same monk at Pailalai temple who once taught Kaew and this he told Kaew during his visits to the dungeon.
There for the first time father and son lay eyes on each other. Kaew’s son named Plyarm wanted so much to be just like his father.
True to his mission, Plyarm soon was nominated by the King as Commander in Chief to fight in ChiangMai. However, some intuition tells the King to send Kun Pan and the rest of his crew from the dungeon to join the war.
Hence, protected and armed with his ‘sword’ and Sri Mork, the battle ground soon become fiery with the living dead from Hell giving their power to defeat the enemy.
Please correct me if i am wrong, this was told to me for the main chant of :Khun paen
Khatha Khun Paen
Ae Hi Ma Ma Na Mo Buddha Ya Na Ma Pa Ta
Heart of Khatha Khun Paen
Su Na Ma Lo
(then wish once at a time)
Khun Paen charming a woman
Na Ma Ja Ku Au Ja Ya Ma E Ti Ara Hang Pan Tang Ja Ku
other main chant for wish:
Maha bada
om siddhi
sa wa na,
su na mo lo (x9)